Lowes Financial Academy - Level 4 & Level 6 Prospectus

Lowes Financial Academy: How we can help

Lowes Financial Academy: The Materials... There are 2 possible routes to take: Flexible and Tutor-led

When embarking on a new path-whether that is venturing into the world of financial services for the first time, or just signing up for the next course on the way to achieving the diploma- the language used and the usual study materials can sometimes seem like a minefield! At Lowes Financial Academy, we understand that every persons learning journey is different, and so, our approach is to make the content for these courses as dynamic and digestible as possible. We offer both tutor-led and flexible courses, both providing a range of materials. Both formats include digestible workbooks, made up of reading materials and activities that are easily accessible for all abilities. This material has been structured specifically to ensure optimal engagement and retention by using simple explanatory language- free from jargon. The activities give plenty of opportunity to allow for sufficient practice of calculation and will cement key facts in the minds of each participant. Flexible With the flexible courses, workbooks are issued in stages to allow learners to work at their own pace, along with the entitlement to one-to-one sessions with our expert tutors. Tutor-led The tutor-led courses issue the workbooks weekly, which are supplemented by live weekly webinars, allowing participants to ask questions about the learning material. Exam style questions are incorporated throughout to strengthen understanding of key elements of the week’s learning. In addition to this, Lowes Financial Academy offers mock testing, with in depth analysis and feedback provided. Participants will receive personalised feedback, highlighting their own individual strengths and weaknesses, so that revision activities can be focussed appropriately. All course participants are provided with further materials to aid in revision activities, including further mock exams and flash cards.

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