Structured Product Guide
About is designed to give IFAs a better perspective of the structured product market. Launched in 2009, it helps thousands of financial services professionals with their research into structured products. With weekly updates and new product alerts, IFAs are kept up to date with the latest product launches and the site gives users the key information on each product in a clear and concise format, also providing access to product literature and a product archive stretching back to 2000. is also dedicated to improving knowledge and structured products and houses an extensive archive of educational material with a wide range of bespoke articles from leading figures in the industry. The website is maintained by Lowes Financial Management, an Independent Financial Adviser with a fifty-year pedigree and one of the country’s first adviser firms to achieve the ‘Chartered Financial Planners’ accreditation. Structured products began appearing in the UK retail investment market in the early 1990s and we first came to prominence in this market in 2000 when we published a leaflet entitles ‘The Truth Behind Those High Yield Stockmarket Bonds’ which warned against those that we felt were potentially misleading and providing insufficient reward in return for the risk. The first article warning of the dangers of what later became known as ‘precipice bonds’ was published in October 2000 and was as a direct result of the Lowes leaflet. We also created a online review service that was widely used by IFAs and investors, helping them to identify some of the better value investments and highlight those that we felt should be avoided. As well as running StructuredProduct we frequently contribute to the media and are often the first point of contact for the press looking for unbiased and objective comment.
Ian H Lowes Managing Director of Lowes Financial Management and Founder of
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