Lowes Investment Management - Managed Investment Portfolios
What are the Managed Investment Portfolios?
Our Managed Investment Portfolios cover a variety of long-term objectives and have differing risk profiles. Unlike our traditional range of portfolios however, the Managed Investment Portfolios are much more agile, meaning the managers can take advantage of new opportunities as they arise but more importantly, can switch out of under-performing funds without delay. The portfolios allow the efficient consolidation of assets to maximise the potential for returns within agreed risk tolerances and the method of operation overcomes the potential delays and hurdles that can inhibit traditional, advisory portfolio management. They are managed by our award winning team, who will also regularly re-balance portfolios to ensure asset and individual fund allocations do not drift too far from the original, intended parameters. Whilst your Adviser will identify the portfolio, or combination of portfolios, which best suits your appetite for risk, capacity for loss and which most closely match your investment objectives, once in place the management, including any fund switching will all happen promptly and seamlessly behind the scenes.
Lowes Investment Management Portfolios
Points of Difference
Traditional advisory portfolio
Responsibility for action
Lowes Investment Management
Client express authority
Additional fee of £1 per annum per £1k invested
Part of ongoing fee
Lowes fees
Time to switch funds
1 day
Weeks - months
Rebalancing to asset allocation and risk tolerance
A least annually - when managers deem appropriate
None without full advice process
Client paperwork and involvement
Information only
Information plus every transaction
Risk Management
Optimal alignment
Can experience portfolio drift
Key Benefits • A range of portfolios designed to deliver specific investment objectives and reflect differing attitudes to risk. • Agile investment management ensuring that portfolios are active in responding to market conditions, whilst providing consistent risk management.
• Timely informed decisions by Lowes extensive investment resources, including Lowes investment managers and in-house research department. • Allows you, as the client, to be less involved in the onerous, administrative elements of investment management.
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