Lowes Investment Management - Managed Investment Portfolios
About Lowes
“Lowes have been providing truly Independent Financial Advice since 1971 to a wide range of people throughout the UK.”
Our unique, successful investment approach honed over nearly five decades, coupled with our personal approach to financial planning has helped both clients and company prosper. In our 2021 client satisfaction survey more than 97% of clients rated our investment advice as ‘good’ or ‘very good’. We have frequently been recognised as one of the UK’s Top 100 Independent Financial Advisers, and are one of only a select group to be accredited as Chartered Financial Planners, which is considered to be the ‘Gold Standard’ of excellence and integrity. We have also been judged by respected Money Marketing Magazine to be amongst the best Investment Advisers in the UK for 11 of the last 12 years and have been recognised in dozens of awards for investment, retirement and estate planning advice. It is a testament to our services that many of our clients stay with the company throughout their lifetimes and introduce us to subsequent generations. We believe that individual and dedicated client care is a central aspect of fulfilling our goal of total peace of mind for our clients. We also recognise that no individual alone could possibly manage your financial affairs and be an authority on the complicated details of all financial planning solutions and Investments. It is for this reason that Lowes has an extensive support team of individuals with decades of experience in the world of personal finance and investment.
About Lowes Investment Management
Lowes Investment Management forms part of Lowes Group alongside Lowes Financial Management and was established in 2020 as a dedicated investment management arm of the business. The team within Lowes Investment Management are responsible for managing the Lowes’ Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) and the managed investment portfolios. The award-winning investment team have many years’ experience with a particular focus of analysing collective investment vehicles. The team has developed and refined its own investment process over time, which is fundamental in helping them shortlist funds worthy of further investigation. From there, the funds are subject to a thorough, qualitative analysis through the use of independent research and meeting with the management teams to truly get under the bonnet and fully understand their respective investment philosophies. This knowledge lets the managers create portfolios which fully align with intended objectives and risk tolerances whilst being diverse in terms of investment style, assets, and geographical regions where appropriate.
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