Lowes Autocall Guide - 2024 Update
Where to buy
Many autocalls are designed for distribution through financial advisers and some counterparty banks even insist that investors have sought such advice. Others accept that they can be appropriate for informed investors who choose not to seek advice. In every instance the investor should understand the arrangement, commitment and risks. Lowes, established in 1971 are independent Financial Planners and investment managers with a broad variety of expertise across all aspects of wealth management. More specifically, our expertise in the structured product sector is widely acknowledged and respected.
We have been evaluating all new entries to the retail market for more than twenty years, publishing details of over 9,000 product reviews, whilst identifying which of these are ‘Preferred’ by us and as such, we are prepared to utilise in client portfolios. In more recent years, we have used our sector knowledge to help bring to the market new product shapes, such as the 10:10 Plan and 8:8 Plan, which influenced improvements across the wider sector. Lowes clients also have access to exclusive autocalls which offer improved terms.
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