A Guide to Autocalls: 2024 Update
Appendix B - Early surrender example
Appendix B - Early surrender example Scenario: A ten year, maximum term, hurdle autocall that commenced in August 2018 and required the FTSE 100 Index to be at least 5% higher on the second or subsequent anniversary. Initial index level was 7558.59 thereby requiring the FTSE 100 to be above 7936.52 on a relevant anniversary date to trigger a positive outcome. At the time of writing (10 July 2024), the FTSE 100 stood at 8,193 - surpassing the maturity trigger level required in August 2024 having not done so on previous maturity trigger dates.
If the index remains at its current level the plan will mature in August 2024 returning capital plus a 66% gain. If however, the index falls below the required 7,936.5 2 level there
are another four further maturity opportunities with the last in 2028.
The surrender value on 10 July 2024 would give the investor a 60.36% gain less a £200 surrender charge.
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